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Cat scratch disease – causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

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Has your pet ever scratched you? It’s probably happened, right? And did you know that such a scratch by a cat can end in a serious illness? Fortunately, these are very few cases, but anyone who has a kitty in their home should read this post.

Cats have different characters – some are less temperamental, others more temperamental. But even a calm and docile purrer can scratch from time to time, even when playing or when they get scared of something. Usually, such a scratch heals quickly and does not leave any scar, but there are also exceptions when a cat scratch can end up being infected with the so-called cat scratch disease. In Poland, the incidence of this disease is about 0.15 per 100,000. inhabitants, i.e. it is relatively low, but let us bear in mind that these estimates may be underestimated due to low social awareness and the resulting rare recognition of this disease.

What is cat scratch disease and what are its symptoms?

Cat scratch disease (also called cat scratch fever) is a bacterial zoonotic disease that is transmitted mainly by young kittens, but also by dogs, rabbits and squirrels. In its carriers, it causes practically no symptoms, while in humans it causes the development of infections. Initially, it is imperceptible. Only a few days after scratching, redness, a small lump or a purulent lesion appear at the scratch site. Then other, slightly more serious symptoms of cat scratch disease can appear:

  • fever,
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  • headache, backache or abdominal pain,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • weakness.

Such symptoms of cat scratching are not characteristic enough to allow immediate and unambiguous diagnosis of the disease. Diagnostics is also hindered by the delayed appearance of the first symptoms. As a result, most patients confuse the symptoms of cat scratch disease with the symptoms of a flu or cold and underestimate the problem.

What is the treatment of cat scratch disease?

Cat scratch disease is usually mild and self-limiting, but in a few cases it can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia or pleurisy, osteomyelitis, eye damage, or encephalopathy. Therefore, symptoms of cat scratching should never be underestimated. You should report them to a doctor who will give you the appropriate treatment. Of course, pharmacotherapy, i.e. antibiotic treatment of cat’s scratch disease with azithromycin, brings the best results, because the bacteria causing this disease are very sensitive to it. Pharmacological treatment of cat scratch disease can be additionally supported by hot compresses – they will reduce swelling of the lymph nodes and bring about pain relief. Above all, however, we should fight the causes of cat scratch disease. After all, prevention is much better than a cure.

How to prevent cat scratch disease?

The causes of cat scratch disease are pretty mundane – fleas and ticks most often transfer this disease to kittens. Therefore, the best way to avoid infection is to take care of your pet’s health, so:

  • frequent visits to the vet,
  • proper care of the coat,
  • use of flea and tick repellents,
  • regular washing of the cat’s lair.

The key here is also to prevent the cat from scratching. Remember that the causes of cat scratches most often result from a cat’s need to develop its natural instincts, so it is worth satisfying this need by providing your pet with appropriate entertainment – for this purpose, we recommend our toys from the Beasty Toys series. Common causes of cat scratches are also, as mentioned earlier, their defense mechanisms. Pets scratch when they are afraid. Therefore, if we want to prevent cat scratches, we should take care of their comfort and well-being. The cat must feel safe in our home. So let’s try to minimize the stress factors that affect them, let them release stress in a controlled way and provide them with a suitable place to relax, which will be an oasis of peace for them.
